Winter Storms Include Some Familiar Names

Winter StormsHas the notoriously nerdy staff at The Weather Channel been queuing up Generation 1 on Netflix? Though this year’s list of winter storm names was compiled with the help of a high school Latin class, ruling out another batch like last year’s Winter Storm Gandalf and Winter Storm Orko, it looks like a few names still manage to have geek cred – if you’re a more-than-casual Transformers fan. Most noticeable is the entries for consecutive letters O and P, Orion and Pax. According to the Weather Channel’s post about the new list:

Cleon, Gemini, Ion, Nika, Pax, Seneca and Yona were names substituted into the list because the name submitted by the Bozeman students for each of those letters was either retired by the National Hurricane Center, had alternate meanings or were difficult for English-speakers to pronounce.

So while the students suggested Orion, following it with Pax was a decision made by the Weather Channel staffers. And while Dion is explained as “Short for Dionysus; Greek god of wine and winemaking, among other things,” we also know him as Orion Pax’s old dock-yard buddy.

We see what you did there, Weather Channel nerds.

You can’t deal with this now!

Big Bad Toy Store has announced that Takara’s MP-22 is Masterpiece Ultra Magnus “Perfect Edition.” This version is the newer MP-10 Convoy mold with an all-new trailer that transforms into Magnus’ classic battle armor. BBTS doesn’t have any photos up as of yet, but we’ll be sure to post any that emerge from ethical sources.

The toy is available for pre-order on BBTS for the low-low price of $290, with the toy expected to arrive in August of next year.

TFCC Announces 2014 Subscription Service Price

Over on their Twitter feed, the Transformers Collector’s Club has announced the price for their “TFSS 2.0” series of toys, which we’ve been covering here as they’ve been revealed.

TFSS Price Tweet

Generic Spotlight: Cybertronian Pompadours

G2-Ish04Generic G2-Ish10Generic

Penciler Manny Galan may not have been a very polished artist when he worked on the Transformers: Generation 2 comic, but the man knew how to have fun with his generics. However, we must face the fact that his work only exposes the distinct lack of rockabilly throughout the rest of the Transformers multiverse.

Scans from “Devices and Desires!” and “Total War!“, originally printed in Transformers: Generation 2 #4 and .

Review: More Than Meets the Eye #21 (Spoilers after the break.)

TF_MTMTE_21_cvrBSo we finally reach the end of the storyline “Remain in Light”, as well as the end of what has been referred to as Season One of More than Meets the Eye. It’s time to tie up the dangling storylines and plot points that remain in a nice bow, so we can move on into the future, first into Dark Cybertron and then onward into Season Two. A bit after the last issue Roberts dropped terrifying teasing lines that urged us to say goodbye to some of the old crewmembers of the Lost Light and welcome newbies that would replace them. With the cliffhanger from last issue, that statement filled me with nothing but dread.

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In Stores Today – 9/25/2013


Seriously, though, this is another week that hits hard, with More Than Meets The Eye #21, Robots In Disguise #21, and Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters all in stores today. Brace yourself, maybe stock up on hard liquor, and get yourself to the comic shop! Then check back her for a spoiler-filled review of MTMTE!

UPDATE: Looks like your load has been lightened by one, as Robots In Disguise #21 has been delayed. Here’s hoping it shows up next week!

Amazon Updates With Official Pics of Generations Deluxes has updated their listings for the upcoming Deluxe toys of Skids, Goldfire, Waspinator, and Dreadwing from the Generations line to include official pictures! Each toy’s listing now shows the figure in package, in robot mode with the exclusive pack-in comic cover, and in vehicle mode. They also include what is most likely the package copy for each toy, which show a closer adherence to the IDW storyline than the blurbs we’ve had in this series so far: Skids’ mentions his amnesia, Goldfire’s mentions his struggle to lead a collapsing Cybertron, Waspinator’s mentions his time displacement, and Dreadwing’s… hints at some recent spoilers. No mention yet of what comics those new covers will be covering, though.

Click the links above to see more, including Dreadwing’s Generation 2-style Decepticon symbol and Skids’ Alex Milne nose!

TFCC Releases Mock-Up Images of Chromedome Figure

ChromedomeTFSSVehicleThough at this stage they’re just mock-ups, the Transformers Collectors’ Club has released images of the upcoming Subscription Service Chromedome figure. As we reported when the figure was first announced, it will have a head designed by Nick Roche and be available (along with Rewind!) as part of the second year of the Figure Subscription Service.

A picture of the robot mode and other toys planned for the Subscription Service are available on the TFCC web site.

Review: ReGeneration One #0 [Spoilers]

TF-REGEN_00_CVR_BWith Unicron killed and the Matrix spent, the universe as we know it has become unbalanced. Can a trip through time and space by Hot Rod set things right?

The big draw of the one-off ReGeneration One #0 is the assortment of artists assembled to send Hot Rod on his journey: Casey Coller, Geoff Senior, Jeff Anderson, Jose Delbo, Nick Roche, and Stephen Baskerville all contribute to make this issue a journey through the past in not just a narrative sense but a metafictional one as well. But is this one-off issue a must-have?

Spoiler warning: Yes.

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In Stores Today – 9/18/2013

Today the Comic Book Fairy brings us ReGeneration One #0, a one-shot special featuring an assortment of artists from throughout Transformers history, and the Robots in Disguise Vol. 4 trade.

Go say hi to your Local Comic Shop folks and gird yourself for next week’s tear duct-shattering More Than Meets The Eye #21!