Tag Archives: Fisitron

Next Wave Of TCC Subscription Service Figures Announced

Over on the Transformers Collectors’ Club Twitter account, they’ve announced three of the toys for the “2.0” version* series of Subscription Service figures:

TFSS Announcement

I’m not sure who’s “so out of left field” there – They’ve done two of those characters already, if possibly in different universes, and everybody loves Chromedome right now (and then they die tragically). But there you have it. They also confirmed that Chromedome will have a new head.

UPDATE: The site has been updated with a picture of Treadshot’s head, which uses Warpath’s sculpt with an Action Master Treadshot deco. <pedant> Updated Action Masters are also not especially out of left field.</pedant>


*C’mon, guys, do you even computer?