Tag Archives: Comics

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 65 – Victor Goddamn Caroli

Jen and David work on getting back into the swing of things by watching some of Machinima’s Titans Return series and reminiscing about Toys R Us!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 65 – Victor Goddamn Caroli

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 63 – Dinobot Slash

Whaaaaat, a new episode? That’s right, this week David and Jen return to talk about all the toys they’ve picked up lately, whine at the prospect of having to watch Titans Return, and discuss Lost Light !

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 63 – Dinobot Slash

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 55 – Marketing Saturation

Our last show before The Last Knight! This week we talk TLK marketing overload, Salvation, and Optimus Prime !

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 55 – Marketing Saturation

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 46 – Swaying the Proletariat

This week we discuss the benefits of the kiddification of the live-action movies, Nautica love, and how proposing a new form of government is the best defense against Sharkticons.

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 46 – Swaying the Proletariat

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 44 – The Brexit Universe

This week we’re back to comics with Lost Light and Optimus Prime #4, plus one of us reviews a surprise toy!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 44 – The Brexit Universe

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 33 – We Found the Banana

This week we have news from Japan, Walgreens Brainstorm FINALLY shows up (for one of us, at least), and we explain new comics to each other!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 33 – We Found the Banana

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 16 – YOU Get A Combiner!

This week we talk Tall Tankor, pandering to commies, and Adjectiveless Transformers #53 (with spoilers for the latter)!

We’re now open to listener email! Send your questions and/or comments to Jen@IaconUnderground.net! And we now have a Patreon!

Show notes:

Continue reading Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 16 – YOU Get A Combiner!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 16 – YOU Get A Combiner!

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 7 – All of the Feels

This week, the crew is emotionally destroyed by More Than Meets The Eye #50. Warning: Spoilers and F-bombs abound!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 7 – All of the Feels