Stasis Pod Episode 241: W.W.O.D.?

Bumblebee knows he’s not the leader Optimus Prime was, and it feels like his team’s antics are constantly reminding him of that. So as they go on a mission to retrieve a stasis pod that’s been found by a local museum, he asks himself, “What would Sky Lynx Optimus Prime do?” Are big, dramatic speeches what he needs to turn his team into a cohesive fighting unit? Is he being too hard on himself? Is Terrashock the Buffaloid going to wreck the museum and blow their cover before he can figure it out? Or will McPlank save the day? Join us this week as we ask ourselves, “W.W.O.D.?”

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 241: W.W.O.D.?